Pen spinning is very popular in Japan. It is a kind of entertainment, and it is spreading all around the world. There are pen spinning competitions and here you will find tips, videos and equipment that will help you with your hobby.
About pen spinning
Tips for the basic spins
1. Thumb Around: Hold the pencil between your index finger, middle finger, thumb so that you feel comfortable. Grasp your pencil in your dominant hand, your index and middle finger should be spaced apart from each other by about the width of your thumb. Pull with your middle finger like a trigger. It's hard to find the perfect amount of force to move your middle finger. Roll your wrist to help get the pencil around your thumb. Make sure your fingers do not block the pencil spin.Don't forget to catch the pencil.
2. Sonic:
Hold the pen with index and middle finger, with the pen behind your thumb.
Slowly press down the index and release the pen with your thumb, pushing index down. When releasing the pen with thumb, push index towards middle, so you catch the pen between. The pen will make a nice rotation between index and middle. Then you can unfold index again so the pen ends up between index and middle. Finally, catch the pen between index and middle and rotate it. That's all.
3. Charge Normal:
A Charge does not involve spinning the pen over any fingers or any body parts, rather, the pen is spun conically in a single finger slot. It gives a sense of spinning, but actually it depends on making a single circle with your index and middle finger. This trick is often performed by drummers using drumsticks rather than pens. It is difficult at first with pens, so it is helpfull to use Drumsticks at first to get convinience with. An extra tip is that you should practise moving back and forward your index, because that's the only thing that is happening and gives us the sense of spinning.
4.Fingerpass Normal
It is the most difficult trick and the one that you should practice a lot, it is better to start with thumb Around and start with this trick when you have a great level of spinning. So, that's what you have to do...A single Pass involves rotating a pen half times from one finger slot to another. It seems with magic tricks, where they use a coin for that reason. When performing the Pass Normal on the palm-side of hand, the pen goes downward. When performing a Pass Normal on the other side of the hand, the pen goes upward. A small combination of Passes involving the pen rotating fully around the hand, starting and ending in the 12 slot, is called a Fingerpass, with the Fingerpass Normal being constructed out of Pass Normals. This short combo is consistently considered the hardest fundamental to master because Passes between the little finger and the ring finger are often difficult to make smooth.